‘Catch Of The Day’? A ‘Culinary Tour’ For Foodies That Love Shrimp Season In Charleston

Did you know there’s a season for shrimp? Late spring through the first part of summer is an exciting time for both shrimpers and seafood lovers in Charleston, as it marks the time of year when the waters open for fishing.
If you love fresh, locally-caught, Lowcountry shrimp cooked in all kinds of ways, now is the time to be in Charleston. It’s also not a bad time to take a culinary tour to try fresh shrimp made just the way you like it – if we do say so ourselves!
Moreover, if you love a good meal, you probably have taken an interest in eating fresh-sourced, local, sustainable food prepared by talented chefs and made into world-class meals. The beginning of shrimp season means some great meals are on the way.
Have we whet your appetite? Here’s what food and shrimp lovers will want to know about eating shrimp in South Carolina this year:
- There are actually two shrimp seasons in South Carolina. The first is generally from May to August. Spring and summer shrimpers are out fishing for brown shrimp. The second season, for white shrimp, begins in September and lasts through December.
- This year, shrimpers started the spring fishing season a bit earlier that usual, at the end of April, due to warmer weather. According to shrimpers and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, the recent warm winter has led to a promising season overall. It’s all the more exciting because the year before (in 2018), the unseasonable cold caused the fifth-worst shrimp die off since the 1950s.
- Shrimp caught in season is fresh and delicious. Eating local food, in season, is one way to eat a great meal while being responsible about your food choices to conserve and ensure that those great meals continue into the future. It also saves on resources that might be used to transport the seafood. Here’s a fact: 90 percent of U.S. shrimp are imported. So, when you eat shrimp caught in season in Charleston, you’re experiencing something special. It’s an experience you won’t find in many other places.
- Here’s another fun fact: Did you know that white shrimp overwinter in Charleston waters? The water and seasonal conditions have to be just right to maintain that (delicious) natural resource, and is part of the unique heritage and environment that makes the local Lowcountry so vibrant, and culturally rich.
- When you eat Charleston shrimp, you’re not only participating in the local culinary scene. You’re supporting some of the most special aspects of the local economy. That, in and of itself, is an appetizing idea for people who understand that great meals are one of the best ways to connect with people and support the community.
Here at Charleston Culinary Tours, we take pride in connecting with people over great food, and the rich cultural heritage that our city has to offer. If that sounds like an experience that you’re hungry to have, please be sure to reach out to us. We offer both culinary tours and walking tours led by guides that are passionate about sharing the best we have to offer.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Ready to learn more about how to experience the best culinary tours in Charleston South Carolina? We invite you to visit the website to learn more, then reach out to us directly with any questions. Whether you’re hungry for an authentic farm-to-table experience, are interested in spending some quality time in Charleston’s best bars, or just looking to get a taste of the most exciting cuisine in the city, we have the culinary tour for you.