Three Things: A Walking Tour Through Things To Know About Charleston

What makes Charleston special? If you ask us, you’ll get a very long answer. There is so much to know, see, do, and experience in our city. For those of us that call is home, there is no other place we’d rather be. And for visitors, we know that the city is going to leave a lasting impression.
Charleston is the historic center of southern culture, which means that it has a rich history. It is also a major port city, rich with natural resources and diverse people that have made it an urban center with a complex and thriving culture. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, there’s always something more to learn about our city, some new treasure to uncover, and vital new opportunities to explore.
Are you ready to learn more about our city? Here are three areas of interest to get you started.
A ‘Walking Tour’ Through Facts about Charleston
Unique Facts and Firsts. Did you know? Charleston was founded in the late 1600s. It was the first English colony to survive in the southern region of what is now the United States, and one of the original colonies. It has long been a thriving port center with a heavily trafficked commercial area, but the city was nearly destroyed by a massive earthquake in the 1800s. The harbor and ports have driven not only commerce, but set up Charleston to have a major naval base and shipyard for a time in the early 20th century.
Maybe you already knew all of that. But did you know that Charleston was the frequent target of pirate attacks in its early days? The thriving harbor brought in trade, but also attracted famed pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard, among others.
Natural Beauty. The city boasts so much natural beauty! In an upcoming post, we’ll cover more about the Charleston “low country.” Here, we’ll note that the beautiful gardenia is a storied southern flower with origins in Charleston. Although the plant was source from the orient, it was named for a famous Charleston 18th century botanist that cultivated the plant in our city. Learn more about it here.
Cultural Heritage. Charleston can boast (if we did that sort of thing) having the first museum in the U.S., as well as the first theatre in America. The Dock Street Theatre has for more than 200 years sat at the corner of Dock and Church streets. The city is also credited with having the first game of golf and golf course in the United States.
Additionally, it’s widely known that our restaurant, bar, and brewery scene is a major attraction and destination for foodies, travelers, and urbanites here at home. Charleston is renowned for a unique, world class cuisine and offerings. And it makes sense, when you consider our rich heritage!
Ready to have your own experience of Charleston, and all the city has to offer? We invite you to visit us online, give us a call, or visit in person to learn more. We’re passionate about Charleston and its culture, and we want to share it with you!