Farm-To-Table: A Walking Tour and Dining Experience For a True Taste Of The ‘Local Flavor’

We know we don’t have to tell you that Charleston, South Carolina has a rich culinary heritage and some of the best food and dining you’ll find anywhere. There are so many ways to experience all the wonderfulness this city has to offer. We should know — we’re in the business of offering walking and culinary tours to share some of the best. That said, as experts on the local food scene, we feel we must recommend taking a farm-to-table approach to dining in order to experience a truly local flavor.
Whether you’re a visitor or a native, you can always learn more about Charleston by taking the farm-to-table approach to your culinary event. It’s an idea that’s been around for a while, and has grown beyond simply embodying a trendy “foodie” attitude. So, what exactly does it mean to say something is farm-to-table?
Simply put, farm-to-table means that the food is locally grown and goes through minimal transport to get to your plate. The farm-to-table trend has been around for a while, and people who are serious about food are keeping it going strong. Farmers, chefs, the hospitality industry, artisans, and people who care about how their food tastes and where it comes from are all committed to the farm-to-table lifestyle.
So, why eat local, and what does it matter? The most important reason is that the food is fresher, and fresh food is naturally delicious. But there are so many reasons, besides just being in good taste. Farm-to-table advocates will tell you that the source of your food makes a difference.
It matters, in part, because locally grown produce is more likely to be healthier as it has less distance to travel before it reaches your plate. We all know fresh fruits and vegetables are healthier, as the food has less time to lose nutrients in transit. The food can be picked when ripe, instead of too early to extend shelf life.
Choosing to eat fresh, local produce also automatically supports sustainability because you’re not choosing food that has been laden with preservatives and is less likely to have used fuels to transport produce in refrigerated cars. That saves on pollution and use of fuel, and makes for a better environment to produce food.
When you buy local produce, you also get to educate yourself on native foods, how to eat in season, and experience the rich cultural legacy of the community that created the cuisine. You’re supporting the people who keep up that legacy, such as the chefs and artisans that craft speciality foods, as well as local farmers, growers, and the whole economic community. As a diner, you come to the table as the member of a larger community, and you’re a good guest to boot.
In fact, this trend isn’t just for the health consious or trendy eater. Over the last decade, more diners are asking for this experience for all of the reasons outlined above, and so many more.
So, how does our farm-to-table walking tour and culinary experience support the local community? The market in Marion Square is a local tradition that has major roots in the community! It’s also regularly named one of the best in the South, so you know you’re getting a top local taste experience.
Why you’ll want to visit the farmers market and take the farm-to-table walking tour
- More than 100+ local vendors participate in the market each week. That’s a lot of opportunity to experience a rich palette of all the city has to offer.
- In addition, at the farmers market you’ll find an assortment of prepared, artisan crafted food.
- You’ll get to experience the community of locals shopping.
- Learn more about local food, including where your food comes from and what produce is in season.
- You’ll get to try specialities, such as local meat and peaches.
A “locals only” culinary tour
There’s no better way to experience the local flavor than with a guided trip to the farmers market and walking tour, followed by a world-class meal prepared by your chef and tour guide.
If you’re interested in healthy eating, this culinary tour is a great idea. We’ll explore the area around Marion Square, Upper King Street as well as Harleston Village. Whether you’re a native or a guest, you’ll learn more about the history of the area and come away feeling satisfied on multiple levels.
Have we whet your appetite to learn more? You can get more information about our farm-to-table experience, as well as other walking tours in Charleston South Carolina by visiting our website. We look forward to welcoming you!